Circularity & Waste Recovery beyond Ports with Blockchain

Circularity & Waste Recovery beyond Ports with Blockchain

Dealing with Ship-Generated Waste

CIRCULARPORT is a new blockchain platform to create a collaborative framework for effective waste management for greener and efficient ports around the world. 


Marine Litter comes from ship generated waste


Administrative burden due inefficient waste management


Ports using manual and paper-based processes

New Directive

New European directive enforcing ports to increase waste traceability

Towards Visible Port Circularity

We provide waste traceability beyond port facilities by connecting shipowners-MARPOL concessionaires-Recycling companies and industrial manufacturers. Our peer-to-peer validations alongside our blockchain technology avoids data tampering and enhance collaboration among companies whether they trust each other or not.


Enhancing trust by providing full immutability of all data: CircularTrust

Business Intelligence

Personal dashborad, decision-making based, bottlenecks detection

Waste Tokenization

More transparency and cros-sectorial connections due to our Waste and Product Passport

Process Automatization

SmartContract and Business Process Management Notation

Converting Waste in Value

Waste monetization through our digital market, KCIR token

Waste Passport

We transform waste batch discharged by ships in digital assets (tokenization), specifically we use Composable tokens to record qualitative characteristics and quantitative indicators: type of waste, weight, origin and destination, process transformation and the rights and obligations attached to each waste batch

Product Passport

The Recycling company will add the process transformation for this batch, adding new “features” to our WASTE PASSPORT: separation, depuration, transformation, etc. Bringing on value to the waste batch.

Key Partners
With the Support of

Blockchain technology an opportunity for sustainable development


We offer a complete portfolio of blockchain services to rapidly integrate the technology with your existing business process and accelerate your digital innovation journey towards circularity.

CIRCULARPORT is a project powered by Blue Room Innovation and its affiliate companies Blue Circular Innovation and Bildosund.